My Services

My Services

*All rates are subject to change.

Massage Rates

60 Minutes - $80

75 Minutes - $100

90 Minutes - $120

Massage Integration:

Everyone who comes in for a treatment will require a slightly different approach because each body responds differently to various massage modalities. I use my knowledge, experience, and observational skills to tailor each treatment to maximize the desired results. I do not believe in separating each massage modality into categories and separate treatments because when integrated all together, each modality compliments the other and delivers a much more powerful result than when they are used separately. Massage techniques are to be used as an organic whole. Not separated into bits and pieces. When you book a Relaxation Massage with me, you will most likely experience many different modalities which are listed below!

Structural Massage & Movement

I use this modality as the core of all of my work. I observe you as a whole. How do you move? How do you stand and walk? How are your bones stacked and aligned and how does that correlate to your pain/complaint? How do I change that to best support you in your body? Its like building a house. If the structure is not sound and aligned, the doors won’t hang right, the windows won’t fit snugly…your body works just the same. Masses are meant to be balanced in order to be stable. Structure determines function. I use soft tissue manipulation, and activation exercises to better align you as a WHOLE. I teach you how to be aware and recognize what you can do to understand what is happening in your body, and how to change it.


Swedish massage can be very under-rated. A Swedish massage uses light to medium pressure paired with long gliding strokes and kneeling directed towards the heart. It is a great tool to re-hydrate the skin, tendons, muscle and fascial tissue, and decrease inflammation. Our lives can be very stressful. Our nervous system has two main categories, parasympathetic and sympathetic. Chronic stress can over stimulate the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight), which can lower our immune systems, and make it more difficult for our body to heal from injuries, or manage inflammation. Receiving a Swedish massage can help bring us out of a sympathetic state, and stimulate our parasympathetic nervous system, increasing our ability to heal from injuries, manage inflammation, get better sleep, and boost our immune system.

Deep Tissue

Think of Deep Tissue massage as proper hygiene for your muscles, tendons, another soft tissue. Cleaning up those sticky, hard to reach areas and allowing the muscle to function as a whole, will leave you feeling like new! And maybe a bit sore in spots. When you have a ‘knot’ in your muscle, that means that a portion of those muscle fibers are chronically contracted. When this happens, there isles blood flow to the area, increasing the buildup of wastes, and increasing local inflammation, irritating those nerve endings. This is why it hurts to put pressure on these areas. Deeper pressure will help those fibers release, allowing new blood and nutrients to the area.

Joint Range of Motion

Our joints have tiny receptors that determine the tonus of the tissue around them.Sometimes, a joint needs some help to decompress and increase its range ofmotion. By doing this, the muscles around the joint can relax and realign.

CBD Oil: Choose to have me use CBD oil! CBD oil has powerfulanti-inflammatory/anti-anxiety effects.

We’re here to help!

Have questions or want to book an appointment? Contact Healing Hands Relaxation Massage for a seamless, relaxing experience—we’re here to help!